Single sign-on with Microsoft

What is single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication feature that allows users to seamlessly log in to applications without the hassle of remembering a unique username-password combination for each application.

With SSO, a user can log in to one application and is then signed in to other applications automatically. This is similar to how you're logged into your Gmail account, and how that logs you in across various other Google applications such as YouTube, Google Maps, AdSense, etc.

How does Plum facilitate Microsoft single sign-on?

If you manage your team's credentials using Microsoft Azure, you can use Plum's Microsoft sign-in feature to provide your employees with an easy and quick sign-up experience.

With this option, your employees no longer have to create and remember separate credentials for Plum. The option is available on

Accessing Plum seamlessly from a universal login portal

A universal login portal is a single portal that allows employees to login once. Once they're authenticated, employees can click on designated app icons and login to those apps seamlessly, with a single click.

We recommend that you include Plum's URL ( within your universal login portal or your HRMS.